Chad Hamrin In-Depth Workshop: “Transform Your Perspective on Yoga”
March 21st-24th 2025
Welcome to an in-depth study with one of our most experienced senior teachers in the world - Chad Hamrin, Master Teacher, from Los Angeles, USA.
“I teach from a place where there's a journey open to all, called life. Yoga helps us to be more open and present in our journey. I teach to simplify and to hopefully inspire each student to be open to their own journey, open to both the struggles and the joys, and to find a place of deep gratitude instead of perfection. I don't really have a style, I have a practice, and it becomes intuitively presented through teaching and sharing. One doesn't really teach something; the art is to create a circumstance for discovery. That's the joy, a connection to something deeper that has been found.” - Chad Hamrin
Chad brings a huge wealth of experience from over 50 years of a life with martial arts, yoga, meditation, body work, energetics, life challenges, meditation and more. Chad started his teaching career in 1973, along with Alan Finger and Erich Shiffman. Chad was the teacher of well-renowned intsructors Maty Ezraty and Chuck Miller. When Chuck, Maty and Alan opened YogaWorks, Chad was invited to teach there, as well as many studios and places around the world.
Don’t miss this rare chance to learn from one of the most experienced and authentic voices in the world of yoga. Whether you are a seasoned practitioner or just beginning your journey, Chad’s unique perspective and guidance will inspire, enrich, and transform your journey.
Experience yoga in a whole new way.
This workshop is designed to provide deep understanding and inspiration for your practice. Yoga asanas will be explored from moment to moment in a supportive, encouraging, and communal environment. The idea is to have a solid foundation in technique to transcend technique by bringing a creative presence and encouraging intuition to the practice of yoga.
"In 1967 I became involved with the Martial Arts. I wasn’t aware of it as an art at that time. I entered as a shy, angry teenager and trained hard for a good number of years before I got to the artful part. That eventually led to an understanding that was carried over into my studies of yoga and bodywork. There was always a deeper place to go if you were open to it. I studied many styles of Martial Arts and they all came around to a still point within; the same with studying the many systems of yoga and bodywork. It was wonderful to realize that this was a dharma experience. No need to hurry. Settle in and enjoy. After over 50 years of study and practice with many, many, many teachers, I’m still amazed at the depth of the journey. I teach from a place where there’s a journey open to all, called life.” -Chad Hamrin
Useful info
21 - 24 March 2025
Mornings: 8:30am-11:00am
Afternoons: 12:00pm-2:00pm
Arudha Retreat Sanctuary, de Baru, Fila Cacao, San Jose, Province, Platanillo, 11909
all 4 workshop days: $400 USD
(Payment Button Below)
Friday March 21st
8:30-11:00 Hips as foundational work
Hip health in yoga is always an interesting topic and an even more adventurous practice, beyond just the hip opening aspects usually taught. Hips are part of our foundational work. Hip mobility, movement patterns, stability, and balance, are all factors we will consider. We will practice asanas to help you understand your personal relationship to what your foundational work might be.
Lunch break
12:00-2:00 Shoulder openers
Upper body, as with the lower body, usually deals with the appendicular skeleton or the limbs and their relationship to the axial or the torso. Every asana has a relationship to the upper and lower part of the torso. We will practice a multitude of shoulders openers to explore their relationship to the whole.
Saturday March 22nd
8:30-11:00 Core Stability
When one talks or thinks about core work, one usually thinks about abdominal work, strength work, etc. However, in yoga, anatomically and energetically, it is so much more. Yes, you need to know about abdominal toning in the beginning, but usually, too much emphasis is put on certain muscles groups and not enough on others. There are deeper and more intrinsic ways to look at good core integrity. We consider good hara, good prana, steady mind, and always coming back to the breath. In the foundational sense good core starts with the pada bandha and works its way into the stabilizing of the spine.
Lunch break
12:00-2:00 Inversions
There are four asanas considered inversions, handstand, forearm balance, and of course headstand and shoulder stand. We will discuss and practice all of these inversions to see where they all have very similar interactions through our understanding of actions and alignment. Could be a fun time and a little work. Good for all levels!!! One must have long periods of inverted time in your practice on a daily basis, for health reasons. We’ll talk about this. There are restorative options.
Sunday March 23rd
8:30-11:00 Meditative asana
To bring a meditative quality to your asana practice one must first have certain tools to use to train the mind to focus, to become steady, to begin to notice and discern certain aspects of what it is that we are doing in the moment, in this case asana. But this also lays the foundation for higher levels of practice such as pranayama and more formal meditative practices. We will discuss and practice the many ways to begin a mindful practice, some of which you already might know, and for others, this will be quite new.
Lunch break
12:00-2:00 pm Standing postures in relation to balance
Architects get to create different structural foundations in relation to the function of the design. Nature does the same thing, but it’s more than form ever follows function. We all have the same foundational anatomy to work with. This is where it gets interesting. The idea of balance is much more than just alignment. It’s an energetic expression of intelligence. Many asanas will be explored, from standing to inverted.
Monday March 24th
8:30-11.00 Subtle body/visceral sensation and into to pranayama
Let’s look at healthy ways to breathe, and what situations that may inhibit our natural movement of breath, from the physical, to the emotional, to the heart/mind to the subtle elemental chakras and the lesser-known prana’s. We look at the asanas that help to enhance free movement of breath and free up areas of tension that may lie in the visceral or abdominal mind, and how to release these patterns of tension so that one may prepare for the formal art of pranayama.
Lunch break
12:00-2:00 pm Experiential Yoga: Exploring the Sutras
The theme for this workshop day is “Come, practice, learn, be humble’. Even teachers have to, on occasion, remind themselves that they are first and foremost, a student, and the practice of yoga must be practiced with experienced teachers, who are also long-time students. This workshop is to answer questions, go deeper into the asana understanding, the energetic relationships, and the appreciation of the system of yoga through Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras.
Make a purchase to reserve your spot in Chad’s Workshop. After we receive your payment, we will contact you via e-mail to confirm your registration.
(Pricing includes a vegetarian lunch, filtered water, and the use of good quality yoga mats and props)
Contact us directly if you need to set up a payment plan. Options are available.
Thank you Chad, for always guiding me way, way past my own limiting belief systems and challenging me to keep questioning & doing the work. You are the real deal, a true teacher’s teacher." -Monika Bjørn “Bowing with gratitude for all the knowledge you are sharing Chad Hamrin" - MaJa Global Yoga "I thought I knew what yoga was. I had no idea the depths of intimacy I would experience. I had no idea that I would not only be able to articulate it, but to feel it. Thank you to this hysterically funny man and beautiful soul, Chad Hamrin, for all your wonderful teachings." - Jackie Roberts "I love that I can find my meditation in every asana together with you Chad Hamrin! You are teaching me the practice beyond the poses - Thank you so much!!" - Janice Strand "Chad's classes have guided me to depths I would have never imagined existed, and in the most subtle of ways. I always learn something in every class." - Kaitlin Ferrell
Thank you Chad, for always guiding me way, way past my own limiting belief systems and challenging me to keep questioning & doing the work. You are the real deal, a true teacher’s teacher." -Monika Bjørn “Bowing with gratitude for all the knowledge you are sharing Chad Hamrin" - MaJa Global Yoga "I thought I knew what yoga was. I had no idea the depths of intimacy I would experience. I had no idea that I would not only be able to articulate it, but to feel it. Thank you to this hysterically funny man and beautiful soul, Chad Hamrin, for all your wonderful teachings." - Jackie Roberts "I love that I can find my meditation in every asana together with you Chad Hamrin! You are teaching me the practice beyond the poses - Thank you so much!!" - Janice Strand "Chad's classes have guided me to depths I would have never imagined existed, and in the most subtle of ways. I always learn something in every class." - Kaitlin Ferrell
Chad on social
Embark on a sacred journey in Costa Rica’s beautiful nature. Join us in our primary rainforest sanctuary, with its own little rivers and waterfalls, and fruit gardens.
Beautiful and luxurious room accommodations start at $50 per night. If you want to stay on-site during the workshop, please call or e-mail us to book your stay.